Pyaz Ke Pakore

Onion Pakora

कुरकुरे लछेदार प्याज़ के पकोडे बाज़ार जैसे  सही तरीका - Pyaz Ke Pakode- Pakora Recipe

In this blog, we will see how to make Onion Pakoda. Onion Pakoda recipe is very easy to make and it is an excellent snack recipe especially during the rainy days. This a delicious and very popular snack that goes well with evening tea/coffee...We will take you through how to make this at home...This tasty and crispy onion pakoda is a sure treat for anyone.

This onion pakoda is a superb combination of tea/coffee and brings back many happy memories. For perfect and crispy onion pakodas the onions have to slice finely and the ratio of onion to batter has to be perfect or else we will end up with onion bajji. Onion pakoda tastes best when it is served hot. If you want to save it for later make sure the pakodas cool down well before placing them in the container otherwise the vapors will condense and will ruin the crispiness of the pakoda.Onion Pakoda (Onion Bhaje) is a mouth-watering Indian snack. It is used as a starter snack in most Indian parties and large meals. It goes with imli chutney Onion Pakoda is a deep-fried batter snack made of gram flour (besan), other spices, and onions. Onion Pakoda is a deep-fried batter snack made of gram flour (besan), other spices, and onions. Unlike the potato bajji or the banana chilli-bajji, the batter for the onion pakoda is different.

Ingredients for this recipe -

प्याज के पकोडे
प्याज - 5, मध्यम आकार
हरी मिर्च - ४, बारीक कटी हुई
अदरक (कद्दु-कस) - १ इन्च
कढी पत्ते (कटे हुए) - ८ से १० पत्ते
धनिया के पत्ते - १ चम्मच
हल्दी पाउडर – १/४ छोटा चम्मच
कश्मीरी लाल मिर्च – १/२ छोटा चम्मच
गरम मसाला – १/२ छोटा चम्मच
हींग – १/४ छोटा चम्मच
नमक – १/२ छोटा चम्मच
जीरा – १/२ छोटा चम्मच
अजवाइन – १/२ छोटा चम्मच
मीठा सोडा - २ चुटकी
बेसन - १ कप
खाद्य तेल - तलने अनुसार
Onion Pakoda
Onion – 3, medium size
Green Chilli – 4, finely chopped
Ginger (grated) – 1 inch
Curry leaf (chopped) – 8 to 10 leaves
Coriander leaves – 1 table spoon
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Kashmiri Red Chilli – ½ tsp
Garam Masala – ½ tsp
Asafoetida – ¼ tsp
Salt – ½ tsp
Cumin seeds – ½ tsp
Ajwain – ½ tsp
Baking Soda – 2 pinch
Gramflour – 1 cup
Edible Oil – to deep fry


Take a bowl to add very thinly sliced onions, green chilies, ginger sliced, curry leaves, if you want to add cashew nuts soak in water for 10 min and then add it to the onions, salt mix well.

In another bowl add besan, rice flour, salt, jeera, baking powder, oil, now add the onion mixture mix well if needed sprinkle water and mix well again.
Heat oil and deep fry till it is golden brown.

Go check out the video...CLICK

Friends please make this easy onion pakoda at home and serve it along with some hot tea/ coffee. Surprise your friends and family with this tasty evening snack and please post your feedback about the recipe in the comments below. All the best and happy cooking!
